In 1987, the late Paddy Roe OAM, with the support of his Goolarabooloo Aboriginal community, established the Lurujarri Heritage Trail. A 9 day (80km) cultural walking journey along the Song Cycle between Minyirr (Broome) and Minarriny (Yellow River). The body of knowledge that the old people have passed on is preserved and kept alive within this Song Cycle. It connects specific sites (Law Grounds) in a continuous linear system up the coast of the Dampier Peninsula. Along the trail the same camping places are used as have been for millennia, the same reefs fished. The middens in the dunes are thick with remnants of past feeds, spear heads, charcoal flints and grinding stones.
The Goolarabooloo people are still actively engaged in looking after country despite living in a western world that would have them sell it for the greater economic resources of the Nation. They believe that connection with country and culture is the base of one’s identity, spiritual and physical health and self-esteem, and continue to share their understanding.