I am a remote area nurse and Midwife working in remote Aboriginal Communities in the Top End of the Northern Territory. 20 years ago, I left Perth and a career as an operating Room nurse and came to the Kimberley, working in Derby then moved into the Kimberley Remote Communities. I fell in love with the Kimberley and the lifestyle it offered.
My daughter moved to Broome at the same time, so I bought a house and have been here ever since. In the year 2000 I came to work in East Arnhem land at Numbulwar then progressed to just about every community in the top end, from Groote Island in the east to Port Keats in the west, relieving nurses and midwives going on leave.
I have worked in many places and never tire of the beautiful bush, waterfalls, billabongs and escarpments, beautiful islands and mighty rivers. I also find the people delightful, interesting, frustrating and altogether so different in culture, willing to share their culture with me. I have been ‘adopted’ by a family who look after my wellbeing. I have had many adventures and close encounters with Crocodiles and Buffalo. Barra are so easy to hook up with in some of the isolated billabongs and stretches of river. In the ‘wet’ I have seen rivers spread their waters for mile upon mile, cutting off all road access and giving the opportunity to fish for Barra from the side of the road. Of course, I have had many opportunities to fish some amazing places along this coastline, Salmon. Barra, Queen fish, Mackerel and reef fish galore with plenty of Mud crabs of course.
My love of fishing led me to buy my first boat, a little tinny that saw plenty of action both in the NT and in Broome. On the Roper River in the NT, I would sometimes have as many as 8 Barra in the boat in one day, measured and returned to the water. Eventually I bought a bigger boat and can now be seen on Roebuck Bay or off Gantheaume Point, Broome in ‘Legend 11” a beautiful Webster Twin Hull, 4.3mts.
I retired from remote nursing several times over the past 5 years but the shortage of nurses and the introduction of FIFO nurses to fill the vacancies lured me back over and over again. To have a lifetime of knowledge and experience and not use it would be a sad thing.
At the moment, I am at Ramingining, a community of about 1000 people. These people are so welcoming, are very proud and very traditional. I have had some wonderful experiences with ceremonies, dancing (bungle) and been included in hunting trips, fishing trips, camping trips and access to the most wonderful rock art.
A truly fortunate life.