The Broome Ukulele Band started in January 2012 and swelled to over 20 players though not everyone turns up every week. The Bubbers are mostly locals of all ages, though we welcome tourists, passers-by and attractive French backpackers, but not necessarily in that order. We sing popular tunes and in our repertoire, have the extremes of Botany Bay and Riptide (and other songs about the sea). We specialise in taking other people’s songs and changing the lyrics to make them uniquely Kimberley. We entered the ABC Johnny Cash challenge with Derby Prison Blues and although we did not win, we had a lot of fun. We perform on stage regularly and have our own Facebook site- https://www.facebook.com/groups/333411810126102/
If you are interested in coming to a BUB (we meet weekly) ring me on 0467 786 889 or e-mail me on [email protected]
What is a Ukulele? The ukulele is a small four string instrument in four sizes- small, even smaller, tiny and ‘flyswat’. It is best strummed quickly though some experts can pick out tunes. It is the ideal first-timer’s instrument and perfect for groups, as with the strumming no-one notices who is out of tune or playing alternative (another word for wrong) chords. It is also inexpensive, easy to carry and can be hidden away in a cupboard if you really hate the sound.